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Diaper Punishment


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    Prethanksgiving Dinner Enemas That Elises Diaper Cant Hold

    Please Note: All content on Kinky Clips is Role Playing Fantasy only. All content is consensual.

    Messy Diaper Punishment - Prethanksgiving Dinner Enemas That Elises Diaper Cant Hold

    Clip Description

    It is thanksgiving. Bob and elise just love the holiday meal. As they check how soon dinner will be ready they know its time for evacuation. They want to fill their bums with the biggest enemas they can in order to clean themselves out enough to gorge on a massive thanksgiving dinner. After insuring there is enough time before the meal, elise rolls out the iv stand to the kitchen table with a full bag of warm water containing five quarts. Both meet at the kitchen table and bob recommends elise go first. She fills herself until the whole of her abdomen is full and distended. She pulls the nozzle from her butt and bob pops it into his. After putting almost all of the rest of the bag into his own bum -with elise complaining he needs to hurry up- she pulls it out. They diaper themselves and lean over the thanksgiving table. What results is a massive release into each of their diapers. She had already told bob she thought her molicare would hold more than his. But that wasn’t the case, with first a light brown stream running down her leg and then a dark river of deep brown, it was clear her diaper wasn’t going to hold what her colon had to offer. In spite of bob’s large and stinking load, his held. Elise’s diaper could not contain the generous amount of **** and fluid she was ejecting. With dark matter flowing down her leg, elise had to go for the garbage can and bring it back to sit on while they both still had matter to release. She simply could not contain all that her bum wanted to deliver. She released a such a mess onto the floor that they had to each go and take a shower before the meal –as well mop the floor.

    Clip Duration:      14 minutes
    Format Size
    wmv539.14 MB

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    Messy Diaper Punishment - Prethanksgiving Dinner Enemas That Elises Diaper Cant Hold

    Messy Diaper Punishment - Prethanksgiving Dinner Enemas That Elises Diaper Cant Hold

    Messy Diaper Punishment - Prethanksgiving Dinner Enemas That Elises Diaper Cant Hold

    Messy Diaper Punishment - Prethanksgiving Dinner Enemas That Elises Diaper Cant Hold

    Messy Diaper Punishment - Prethanksgiving Dinner Enemas That Elises Diaper Cant Hold

    Messy Diaper Punishment - Prethanksgiving Dinner Enemas That Elises Diaper Cant Hold

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    Messy Diaper Punishment is available on:
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